Ep 059: The Family Stone and Other Breast Cancer Stories


We deep-dive into the films and television that best represent the different experiences of having breast cancer with our guest filmmaker and indie journalist, Traven Rice. We look at how things can change for people experiencing recurrence, why you need a support network and Traven’s wish for a trigger warning for films and TV with cancer stories.

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If you want to share your story or funds, help Traven create a comedic film about having a memorial for her left breast called Lay Lefty Down, which she is currently raising funds for at LayLeftyDown.com.

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  • Breast cancer is a prevalent but often hidden topic in media.

  • The reality of going through breast cancer is not well represented in film and television.

  • Having a support network is crucial for those going through breast cancer.

  • Films and TV shows about breast cancer should include trigger warnings.

  • Men can also be affected by breast cancer.


Traven Rice is a director, writer, and journalist based in NYC. Her work leans towards social action and champions under-represented voices. Rice has directed almost a dozen short films. Her most recent project, DIVISION STREET, is a digital series pilot about a mixed-race young girl sent to live with her cranky Jewish grandmother in a magical neighborhood in New York City. It screened in numerous festivals including Slamdance, Raindance, ITVFest, and SeriesFest, and garnered awards across the country, and internationally. Her first short film, THE NIGHT TRAM, was nominated for a Student Academy Award.

Rice was a finalist for the AFI Directing Workshop for Women in 2023. Rice has a foundation in theater and a background in film and television production work. She is adept at leading diverse teams through pre-production to final edit, and co-founded her community-based production company, Lo-Down Productions, with her partner Ed Litvak, in 2009.


  • Lay Lefty Down: Find out more about Travon’s short film about a woman who's just had a mastectomy and walks into a surprise memorial for her left breast. Support her fundraising efforts and share your story!

  • The Breasties: The Breasties is the first all-inclusive nonprofit organization that creates community for survivors, previvors, stage 4 thrivers, and caregivers impacted by breast and gynecologic cancers.

  • The Lo-Down: News from the Lower East Side

  • The Lo-Down Culture Cast Podcast: Conversations with culture changers in downtown New York City. Hosted by Arts & Culture Editor, Traven Rice.

  • Filmshop: A filmmaking collective in NYC, LA, and New Orleans.

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