Press & Guest Spots
Check out what other people are saying about Braaains and where you can find our guest appearances on other podcasts! Contact us if you’d like us on your show!
Screenwriter Heather A. Taylor: Interview in The ADHD Skills Lab
The ADHD Skills Lab w/ Skye Rapson - July 1, 2024How Mental Health is Portrayed in the Media with the Braaains Team
How to Talk about Health with Krista Lamb - June 24, 2024
Exploring screen depictions of mental health and mental illness
People First Radio - March 30, 2024
Five Nights at Freddy’s to Garth Marenghi: a complete guide to this week’s entertainment
The Guardian - October 28, 2023
“Sisters Heather and Sarah Taylor host this insightful series examining how mental health is portrayed on screen. Delving into science as well as cultural analysis, the Taylors explore everything from medical dramas to sitcom stereotypes.”ADHD in TV & Film: A Conversation for ADHD Awareness Month
Adulting with ADHD Podcast - October 9, 2023Breaking the Stigma w/ Heather & Sarah Taylor
A Superbloom Podcast hosted by Candice King - October 5, 2023Leave a rating & review
Podstack substack with Devin - October 5, 2023
”Heather and Sarah bring so much heart and honesty to this show, it’s impossible not to get sucked into the interviews and feel inspired by their dedication to helping end the stigmas.”Explaining Depression via Games
Anxiety Road Podcast - October 4, 2023How to Survive a Podcast Rebrand
Pod the North newsletter (by Kattie Laur) - October 3, 2023Podnews issue #1656: Black Love Inc wins six Black Podcasting Awards
Podnews: Your daily briefing for podcasting and on-demand - October 2, 2023Podcast Recommendations for Mental Illness Awareness Week 2023
EarBuds Podcast Collective - October 1, 2023Inside Podcasting Newsletter
Inside Podcasting - September 14, 2023What are Invisible Disabilities? (Guest spot at 8 minutes in)
At Your Best with Yonah Budd - June 4, 2023Creating Worlds, Opening Doors: An Interview with Heather Taylor
Noah Lloyd - May 11, 2023Ethics in Storytelling: Mental Health & Disability Representation in Film & TV w/ Sarah Taylor & Heather Taylor
Harvardwood event moderated by Skye R. Regan - April 12, 2023
Braaains Special Editions
October 2023