Ep 062: Suicidal Ideation in The Bear, Modern Love, and Nadine Crocker's Continue


Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and we have a wonderful interview with writer, director, and actress, Nadine Crocker. We talk about her film, Continue, and the importance of representing depression and suicidal ideation on film and TV. We also talk about shows like The Bear and Modern Love (amongst many). 

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CONT;NUE is based on true events from Nadine’s life dealing with suicide and depression. After surviving a suicide attempt when she was 23 years old, Nadine is now a wife, mother, and friend to so many. A content warning to all our listeners that we will be talking about suicide throughout this episode and will also be talking about the toolkit that Nadine dips into when she is dealing with depression and thoughts of suicide. 

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Nadine Crocker is an award-winning Director, Writer, Actress, and Producer. Her latest film, Desperation Road, was released worldwide in 2023. It stars Mel Gibson, Garrett Hedlund, Willa Fitzgerald, Ryan Hurst, and Woody McClain. The film was produced by Nadine Crocker and Cassian Elwes and was released by Lionsgate and Grindstone Entertainment.

Her award-winning feature film "Continue" will be released in theaters on September 6th 2024 for World Suicide Prevention Month. Crocker Wrote, Directed, and Produced alongside her producing partner, Jay Seals, and Husband, Anthony Caravella-Crocker. "Continue" is based on Crocker's life and the true story of surviving a suicide attempt when she was 23. The film's message is focused on suicide prevention with the hope of saving lives from suicide. Part of the film's proceeds will go to charity for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

You also may have seen Nadine as Scorcher on CW's "Supergirl". Or as Juliet in "Rodeo & Juliet" on Netflix, or possibly scaring the shit out of people with her flesh falling off as Marcy in Eli Roth's 2016 remake of his original film "Cabin Fever". She is a talented actress with a chameleon-like ability to shape her character and bring it up off the page and into your memory forever.

Nadine Crocker was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and raised in Fresno, California. Knowing she was destined for more than an ordinary life, Nadine dropped everything and moved to Los Angeles, California, on her own at 16. Her greatest desire is to create IMPACT and change the world through storytelling and art.


CONT;NUE is based on true events from my life of battling with suicide and depression both in my family and in my personal life. After surviving a suicide attempt when I was 23 years old, I now wake up and kiss my wonderful husband and hold my sweet baby boy, and I cannot believe how lucky I am that I failed that night. This feeling of gratitude gave life to Continue.

Continue had its challenges, not just because it was my first feature as a writer, director, and producer, but also because it was about a subject that producers and financiers said, "no one wants to speak about mental health and suicide. Especially after the pandemic." I had to fight to make them see that talking about this subject had never become more vital; suicide is an approaching pandemic itself. The death by suicide rates are skyrocketing, and it's not just middle-aged people affected; it's like a virus going after our youth. I wanted to show mental health honestly, without pulling punches, so those struggling could see themselves in Dean and feel like they could begin again, "Rock Bottom can be a beautiful place to start." I also wanted to educate those who have never experienced it so that maybe they could look at their friend or family member struggling in a new light. Today might feel like the end, but you have NO idea how your life could change tomorrow; you have to give it one more day! Also, our one life affects so many lives around us. It's not just our lives; it's those we love and those we haven't met yet. I would have never been a wife, mother, or friend to so many. That is my message; I urge the audience to be here tomorrow.

I also wanted to create a film that emotionally stayed with you, that sparked reflection, like so many of the films that inspire me: Girl Interrupted, Requiem For A Dream, Sliding Doors, Fight Club. Many had similar themes that I could relate to and identify with, even as a young woman. In particular, Girl Interrupted stuck with me all my life; I had felt that way, struggled, and seen myself within those unbelievable characters and their battles to attain happiness.

All those involved made this film with passion, empathy, grit, determination, and tenacity! In addition to directing, I acted in every scene, and the only way something like this was possible was with the collaboration and partnership of my crew, DP, producers, actors, and my acting coach! Nearly everyone on my involved has been affected by mental health and suicide in some way. So, this was much more than a film for us; it was a mission and a movement! A conversation we hoped to spark, a stigma we aimed to chip away at! I hope you take away at least one positive lesson and remember that your life matters!

My vision is that this film will serve as a vehicle to save the lives of people living with mental health struggles and let them know that, as isolated as they may feel, others are struggling with the same battles. I am donating a portion of the proceeds from CONT;NUE to nonprofits supporting mental health and suicide prevention. I have also created my nonprofit, "Continue On," to coincide with the film.

The Continue On Organization will continue to elevate mental health and suicide prevention stories on our way to our highest goal of creating a subsidy to pay for 100% of the costs for mental health services for underprivileged youth. EVERYONE deserves access to the help they need during times of struggle. I truly believe this film and MOVEMENT will CHANGE LIVES, and God willing, SAVE LIVES from suicide.


  • SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter, Instagram, Website

  • Where to watch CONT;NUE: Website, Streaming


    • "The Bear" Season 1 and 2, EP “Fishes”

    • "Modern Love" EP: Take Me As I Am

    • "A Beautiful Mind"

    • "Girl Interrupted"

    • "Silverlining PlayBook"

    • "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest"

    • "A Star Is Born"

    • "Requiem For A Dream"

    • "The King Of Staten Island"

    • “Inside” by Bo Burnham

    • “A Mouth Full Of Air”

  • Con


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